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Stress and the Burnout Connection: Why Your Coaching Approach Might Need a Shift

Stress and the Burnout Connection: Why Your Coaching Approach Might Need a Shift


It’s the word that echoes through nearly every coaching conversation these days. Clients are overwhelmed, juggling too much, and constantly “on.”

For many, stress has become so much of the norm that they barely spot the warning signs when something else comes knocking: Burnout

If you’re a coach, you might find that your tried-and-tested techniques—those powerful tools that usually create breakthroughs—are suddenly falling flat.

It’s not you, and it’s not your clients. The truth is, Burnout changes the game and the way in which your clients are able to make decisions.

The Invisible Line Between Stress and Burnout

Stress and burnout are connected, but they’re not the same.

Stress is the body’s response to pressures and challenges.

Burnout, however, is what happens when chronic, unmanaged stress takes over. It’s more than just exhaustion; it’s a deep physical, emotional, and mental depletion that makes even basic tasks feel impossible.  

And if you're familiar with my Burnout Equation you'll know that Toxicity - Sense of Self = Burnout

 Your clients might not realise that they're at Burnout.

They’ll tell you they’re “just stressed,” that they “need to push through,” or that “things will calm down soon.”

But as a coach, it’s critical to recognise the red flags. Persistent fatigue, cynicism, and a noticeable drop in performance or engagement are often signs that your client is teetering on the edge—or already in the depths—of Burnout.

But the won't be able to stop, they'll keep on going, keep on pushing, and keep on working.

Why Your Usual Techniques Aren’t Working

When Burnout takes hold, traditional coaching approaches can fall short.

Strategies that rely on motivation, self-reflection, or goal-setting can backfire.


Because Burnout saps the very resources your clients need to engage in these processes: clarity, energy, and resilience.

Think of it this way: You wouldn’t tell someone with a broken leg to sprint up a hill, no matter how much they want to get to the top. Similarly, clients who are on the brink of, or at Burnout, need more than tools to power through. They need a tailored approach that acknowledges their Burnout and helps them heal at a deeper level.

Coaching Through Burnout

Supporting clients at Burnout requires a shift from traditional coaching. This isn’t just about helping them manage stress better—it’s about addressing the root causes. Is their workload unsustainable? Are they stuck in a culture that rewards overwork? Do they lack boundaries or feel trapped by perfectionism? Have they lost their sense of self? And, knowing that Burnout can impact the body and brain in the same way as trauma, are they stick in a trauma response?

As coaches, we can’t ignore the systemic and personal factors driving Burnout.

To truly support our clients, we must become skilled at helping them identify what’s draining their energy and then guide them in creating sustainable change.


Join the Burnout Academy

If you’ve ever felt out of your depth when coaching a client experiencing Burnout, you’re not alone.

Addressing Burnout requires specialised knowledge, a unique set of tools, and, most importantly, a deep understanding of what Burnout really is, and what it isn't.

That’s why I created the Burnout Academy—training designed to equip coaches like you with the skills and confidence to work effectively with clients at risk of or experiencing Burnout.

From recognising the subtle signs to implementing strategies that create real change, the Burnout Academy bridges the gap between theory and practice.

Burnout is complex, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Join the Burnout Academy and become the coach your clients need in their most challenging moments. Together, we can change the way Burnout is addressed—one coaching conversation at a time.

Ready to transform your approach? Join the Burnout Academy today.


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