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Hi, I'm Kelly

Getting to know someone can vary depending on the situation, the time you have and the environment you're in, but I guess if you're looking for a coach, and you've found your way here, the first thing you may want to know is why you'd even consider working with me? What makes me different to all of the other coaches out there? What skills do I have? And can I really help you with the particular thing you want help with?
I've worked in HR for over 20 years, latterly as an HR Director before starting my first company The Chrysalis Crew. I love HR. I hate the politics that often surround it. I've never really 'fitted' always too much of something in one way or another. Too colourful, too bold, too outspoken, too intuitive, too confident, too fast, too visionary, too blunt, too feisty, too confrontational, too argumentative, too bossy, you get the picture. But, I was always, always good at my role. I needed to learn a new things of course, I needed to adapt more, and I needed to keep my eye on the detail, but the truth is that detail isn't really me.
I'm driven by my values, fairness, honesty and growth. I have others but these are the ones you'll experience most if you spend any amount of time with me.
In addition to I don't know how many HR, OD and L&D qualifications, I've qualified in project management, agile techniques, organisational change, change management, coaching, executive coaching, empowerment coaching, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, active listening and others like breath work, fire walking, board breaking, arrow breaks and glass walking. I'm a lifelong learner.
I'll ask the questions you may be avoiding, I will want the best for you and I will push you outside of your comfort zone - this is where I believe that true and lasting change happens. I'm marmite - people love me or hate me, I have no fence sitters. I'm a visionary, I do not need permission to be me, and I have done a LOT of work on myself over the years and spent a LOT of time, energy and money on my own personal development.
My hair changes more times than the weather, I love yoga, I love to read. I'm an empath, an introvert - every single psychometric and personality test I've done over the years says I'm in a group of 1% of the population, which is still quite a lot of people, but it means I can very often be the only one to see things from my own perspective. I love speaking on stage, I love podcast interviews and blogging.
I'm a mum of an Engineeer for the Royal Navy and a Quantity Surveyor. I'm step mum to two still at school. I live with my partner, sons and rescue dog in a windmill on the outskirts of Peterborough and I'm a real family person.
My circle or square squad, is small and I like it that way.
I love Thai and Chinese food, I don't drink alcohol, I love an early night and I love yoga and meditation first thing in the morning. I love to write. I love parties and karaoke and my favourite time of year is having all of my family to dinner at Christmas where I always cook too much food.
I volunteer in schools mentoring disadvantaged children, I'm a governor at my local college, I sleep in a box once a year to raise money and awareness for the YMCA, I volunteer my skills for #ConnectingHRForJustice, I mentor for the Cherie Blair and Aspire Foundations and I am part of the combined authority Business Board.
I live with, and manage, mental health issues. My burnout in 2013 has had a long lasting impact on my mental health and I manage this myself with the help of my daily practices, yoga, meditation etc and a therapist. I am not ashamed of my mental health - it doesn't hold me back, it doesn't need I can't manage and it doesn't mean I can't coach. It just means that I have to ensure I look after myself, my energy levels and my life.
I am incredibly passionate about everything that I do and I always give 100%. I work with my own coaches and mentors, I don't feel I can be the best coach I can be if I don't continue to invest in myself. I have a coaching supervisor and I work to the AoEC code of conduct. I love seeing the lightbulb moments that my clients experience, I love seeing them grow and flourish and do things they never thought they could. I love that some clients have outgrown me and that many more will do the same - it means they are growing themselves.
I love to holiday in Ibiza where my brother and sister live. I love long weekends soaking in the hot tub and I love a good soak in the bath. I love to walk my dog through the woods and I love oversized handbags and winter coats.
I'm Kelly, if you want to know anything else, specifically how I may be able to help you, get in touch and let's talk - I'd love to get to know you too.

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