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The Signs of Burnout That Coaches Often Miss

burnout awareness Jan 09, 2025

The Signs of Burnout Coaches Often Miss

When we think of Burnout, the image that often comes to mind is someone visibly exhausted, disengaged, or on the verge of collapse.

But Burnout isn’t always as obvious as we expect.

As coaches, we might encounter clients who seem to be thriving on the surface—hyper-productive, polished, and consistently achieving. They’re the ones who always say “yes,” juggling an endless list of commitments with what appears to be ease. But beneath that shiny exterior lies a dangerous truth: many of these clients are on the brink of Burnout.

Burnout isn’t just about physical exhaustion or visible breakdowns.

It’s more insidious than that, often manifesting in ways that even experienced coaches can miss.

The clients in front of you may be silently struggling with symptoms that seem disconnected from the traditional narrative of Burnout.

Here are three subtle signs of burnout that every coach needs to recognise:

  1. Cognitive Fog (Brain Fog) or Forgetfulness

Your high-achieving client, who’s usually sharp and decisive, may start forgetting appointments, losing track of deadlines, or struggling to focus. They might brush it off as “just being busy,” but this mental fog is often a red flag. Chronic stress can impair cognitive function, leaving even the most capable individuals feeling like they’re losing their edge.

If you notice this, don’t just attribute it to their workload. Dig deeper. What’s happening behind the scenes? How are they managing their stress, and what support systems do they have in place?

  1. Irritability or Emotional Outbursts

Burnout often leaves people emotionally raw. Your client might snap at their team, overreact to feedback, or burst into tears over something minor. These emotional shifts are more than just bad days; they’re signals that their resilience is crumbling.

As a coach, it’s tempting to focus on emotional regulation strategies. But these behaviours often stem from unmet needs, unresolved stress, a loss of their sense of self, or poor boundaries/non-negotiables. Addressing the root cause is critical.

  1. A Sense of Numbness or Disconnection

Burnout doesn’t always scream; sometimes, it whispers. Your client might describe feeling numb, disconnected from their purpose, or unsure why their successes no longer bring them joy. This sense of detachment can be the most dangerous symptom of all, signalling a profound depletion of energy and passion.

Encouraging your client to reconnect with their values and prioritise self-care isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential, but that alone won't be enough to stop Burnout in its tracks.

Burnout Runs Deeper Than Symptoms

These signs often point to deeper issues: stress that’s been ignored, boundaries that have been eroded, a complete loss of self, and needs that have gone unmet for too long.

Without addressing these root causes, surface-level solutions like time management tweaks or quick wellness fixes won’t last.

This is where your role as a coach becomes critical. Recognising these subtle signs is the first step in helping your clients recover—not just in the short term but for the long term.

Your clients deserve a coach who can see the signs they can’t.

Enhance Your Impact with The Burnout Academy

In The Burnout Academy, I train coaches to go beyond the surface, equipping you with the tools and insights to identify and address Burnout effectively. You’ll learn how to support your clients in rebuilding their energy, resilience, and connection to self and purpose.

Join The Burnout Academy and become the difference they need.

When you’re ready to take your coaching to the next level, we’ll be here to guide you. The signs of burnout may be subtle, but your ability to spot them could transform your client’s life.



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