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Two Weeks To Go!

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2021
With just two weeks to go until the Be Your Own VIP community launches, what do you need to know?
What is the VIP Community? It's a membership community for Professional Women that focuses on whole wellbeing: mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual wellbeing, because you are a whole person.
Why am I starting it? Last year during the pandemic I took a closer look at my coaching clients and knew I needed to make some changes. I stepped away from the HR Community and HRDs that I'd been supporting for the last 8 years and focused on Professional Women. I've never been busier, and I know there is a limit to the number of women I can support on a one-to-one basis, so I needed another way, a different way to help women on a larger scale to drive more change and provide more support.
Why is it needed? Women face very different obstacles and challenges when it comes to being our best selves in the workplace. Self-doubt, protecting our boundaries, imposter syndrome, burnout, exhaustion, not being heard, are just some of the challenges we face, and all of them have an impact on how we feel about ourselves and how we can show up for others. Often, we put others ahead of ourselves and we can no longer afford to do this. When we look after ourselves, we create a better world for us and every one around us. When we are our own VIPs we lead the way for others to do the same. We have to make a change and the VIP community is needed to be part of the change.
Who it is for? Professional Women who realise that they need to be putting themselves first and be their own VIP. But more specifically, the ambitious professional women who want a supportive community so they don't feel so alone, the professional women who have been or are close to burnout and realise that something needs to change. The professional women who are at a crossroads and are wondering what's next in their career and life. And, the professional women who know there is a different way to lead, and to live, and to succeed.
I realised that if I had to pick one person to promote this community to, it would be 30 year old me - because if I had been part of this community, I may not have burned out to the extent that I did, nor would I have felt so lonely or isolated when I reached the top of the corporate ladder and I wouldn't have experienced the self-doubt or imposter syndrome that I did for so long. I always knew there was a different way, and I've found it.
What's included? As soon as you join you'll have access to the online community where you can talk to other VIPs, have your questions answered, start conversations, build relationships, seek help and support. You'll also receive a series of workbooks to help you reflect and do a bit of self-coaching, on where you are, who you are, where you want to get to and why. Plus: weekly yoga classes, weekly meditation classes, monthly goal setting and accountability calls, monthly ask me anything calls, monthly expert masterclass. Plus book recommendations and discounts to retreats, and masterclasses outside of the community.
What's the investment? Every month VIPs will receive over 12 hours of content worth over £600 and I'm bringing this to you for £119 per month. BUT, join on 1st September and you'll get lifetime access for just £49 per month. Plus, there are not lengthy contracts, join for as long as you like and if it's not for you, you're free to leave anytime. If you wanted to rejoin, you're more than welcome, you'll just pay the higher price.
The first six months' content has already been agreed upon, and if there's a specific topic you'd like to cover, let the team and we'll see what we can do to bring it to life. If you've got book recommendations, let us know, we love a good book. And if you've got more questions, we may have covered these already in the FAQs on the VIP page on my website.
If you have a question that hasn't been answered, join the live launch at 10 am on LinkedIn and YouTube on 1st September - you'll be sent the link on September 1st.
I'm excited to see all of you in the community and excited to see just how much fantastic growth we can achieve together.

50% Complete

Two Step

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