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Where Are You?

Uncategorized May 23, 2020
We are in a time of the unknown, a time of change, a time of unrest and a time of opportunity, we know this.
But one thing is for sure, whilst we can all say 'we are in this together', and we are, the reality is that we will be having different experiences and different feelings.
I shared on my LinkedIn feed a couple of weeks ago some questions to help your team open up more about how they are feeling and where they may be on the change curve, and today, I wanted to bring you back to this.
Without a shadow of a doubt, we are in a time of change, forced change, and isolation.
Some of us are doing this surrounded by kids and family, some of us are doing this in total isolation. Some of us are doing this in the sun, some of us in the rain. Some of us are doing this in large houses with gardens, some of us in small flats or bedsits. Some of us are doing this with money in the bank, some of us are losing everything we have worked for. Some of us find working from home great, some of us hate it. Some of us are enjoying the downtime, some of us are finding the time tough to cope with. Some of us still have loved ones and family members going to work each day in key worker roles, some of us are in the house day in and day out. Some of us are making the most of the time we are 'allowed' out of the house, whilst others feel nervous about stepping foot outside. Some of us are loving home schooling, others are struggling because of their own ability to read and write properly, and some of us feel like we are failing. Some of us are embracing the change, and some of us are craving the normal.
I could go on.
There has never been a one-size-fits-approach to life, to leading or to business. But at this time, whilst we may all be 'in it together', it's impacting us all in different ways.
The beginning of last week in the UK saw social feeds full of home working arrangements and smiling children, by the end of the week there was a rise in 'look at those idiots' posts when more than one person was out of the house (very possibly walking with others from their household).
We don't know how long this is going to last. We don't know what the outcomes will be at the end. We don't know how this is going to impact our families and loved ones, our jobs, our lives our finances and that of the economy.
I personally felt hugely grateful and positive about all of the government help that was offered, but accessing any of it and having an answer is proving hard. I know we will get through this, I know we are getting through it. But I know this is not true for everyone.
I'm grateful that my family and friends are safe and well, but I'm receiving updates from contacts and connections about their diagnosis, albeit for most with only mild symptoms. I know this is not true for everyone.
Some of us are still in denial about this whole thing. Some of us are looking to blame others and some of us are finding incredible solutions to just keep going and doing the best they can. Some are adjusting, some are crumbling, yet we are all in this together.
More than ever, we need to be honest with ourselves and those around us about how we are feeling. It's not the time to bottle things up, to keep things hidden, to let the positivity or negativity of others to impact our own thoughts and actions.
We can only, do the best we can do at this time, and that may change on an hour by hour basis, a day by day or even week by week.
We are in this together.
Where are you?
Kelly is Founder of The Chrysalis Crew and a Global Empowerment Coach for Leaders and HR Professionals. She leads the crew with an open heart, an open mind and has the courage to challenge the status quo and do things differently so that we can change the world of work.

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