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Building Resilience Without Reaching Burnout

Resilience has become a buzzword in recent years, especially in workplaces plagued by Burnout. But let’s take a moment to ask: what does resilience really mean? Too often, it’s misinterpreted as the ability to endure, to keep pushing through despite exhaustion, stress, or even the toxicity of a work environment. And this misunderstanding is one of the key reasons Burnout continues to rise.

As coaches, we have a responsibility to challenge this narrative—not just for ourselves, but for the clients who rely on us to guide them toward healthier, more sustainable ways of living and working. Resilience isn’t about doing more. It’s about doing better.

Rethinking Resilience

Resilience is not a badge of honour for surviving impossible conditions. It’s not about gritting your teeth and staying in environments that drain your soul. True resilience is about thriving, not surviving. It’s about creating a life aligned with your values, needs, and desires—a life that allows for rest, joy, and rec...

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