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Burnout is costing your company more than you know

Learn how to recognise it early and create a healthier workplace with this one-day training

One-Day Burnout Awareness Training

for in-house People Professionals

If you're looking for practical, high-level insights and immediate and actionable strategies to support your teams then you're in the right place

This one-day training provides you just that.

In just one day, learn how to identify and address Burnout in your organisation.

The one day Burnout Awareness Training:

  • Raises Awareness: It provides a solid understanding of what burnout is, and isn't, its impact on individuals and teams, and how to identify it early.
  • Preventative Strategies: Equips you with preventative tools to reduce burnout risks across teams.
  • Practical Steps for Immediate Application: Ensures you leave with specific actions and frameworks to implement right away within your organisation.

Don't wait for Burnout to strike. Act now!

Book Onto The Next Open Course

Or get in touch to arrange your own in-house training


The next one-day Burnout Awareness Training takes place on Tuesday 22nd April

10:00 to 16:00 (UK)

Via Zoom

£750.00 (plus VAT where applicable)


Affordable, impactful, and time-efficient

You can make a difference with just one day of training

"This wasn't just 'Awareness' training – it delivered way beyond my expectations. It was top tier delivery, education and real outcomes to take forwards in my work with clients. Kelly delivered skills, tools, insight, theory & science. The years of work she has undertaken in this subject makes her The Authority, so knowledgeable, relatable and credible."

Clair Payne
People Focused HR Leader

Ready to be a leader in the fight against Burnout?

Sign up to find out more about how to Banish Burnout or get in touch to arrange you in-house training


Sign up for the weekly Burnout Bulletin and be among the first to know about upcoming training dates


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