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The FREE Complete Burnout Assessment

The Complete Burnout Assessment tool identifies the Burnout risk factors for you, your people and your organisation

Download the FREE Complete Burnout Assessment today

You may have already completed the Burnout Quiz that in just a few short questions gave you a picture as to your Burnout score as an organisation.

This Burnout Assessment goes much deeper and includes detailed questions about you as a person and your organisation.

Identify what you need to change.

This is your first step toward Banishing Burnout for you, your people and your organisation.

Let's Banish Burnout

Enter your details below to access the FREE Burnout Assessment Tool and you'll also receive regular emails and updates on how to Banish Burnout

The way everyone is working isn't working and the increase in Burnout is highlighting a systemic issue on a global scale.

The Burnout Assessment Tool has been created to help to to identify your potential risk of Burnout and that of your wider team so that you can Banish Burnout in your organisation.

Frequently Asked Questions


Think of this tool as a guide.

If you have concerns about your health, wellbeing, or mental health, or you think you may be experiencing Burnout, please speak to your GP.

You'll be selecting the scores for each question.

The questions and scoring have been created from over 10 years work of work, study, research, and reviews on Burnout , and the questions relate to that. 

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, your scores will provide a snapshot of time.

If you have concerns about your mental, emotional, or physical health, or feel Burnout is impacting you, I'd advise you to speak to your GP.

In short, it's longer and a lot more in-depth and digs into both your personal and professional life.

It will give a more detailed analysis as to where you may be at risk of Burnout.

It's been designed for you to use personally.

Once you've downloaded it, either print it off or save it to a device where you can make notes (eg Goodnotes or similar).

Allow yourself approximately 30 minutes to complete somewhere where you won't be disturbed.

You'll find full instructions on how to use it at the front of the assessment.

The online version is in the process of being created and it will be made available as soon as it's completed and tested.


The questions will be the same as have been provided here, and I always want this to be free to use and access.

If you have concerns about Burnout and would like a full consultation, evaluation, and report, you can contact the team at hello@kellyswingler but in the first instance I would advise speaking to your GP or medical practitioner.


50% Complete

Two Step

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