Your clients are close to or just coming through Burnout, and whilst it’s not the number one reason they are working with you, it’s becoming more apparent as your coaching relationship progresses.

You’re noticing that your clients aren’t making as much progress as they would ordinarily, you’re going over some of the same things repeatedly, and you can’t seem to get them to the point of breakthrough or to experience the lightbulb moments that your clients usually gain.

You’re starting to think you’re doing something wrong, or you’re getting frustrated with your clients - either way, it’s not a great feeling.

Join me for this webinar where we’ll explore:

  • Why your clients can’t think their way through Burnout
  • The neuroscience of Burnout and it’s impact on decision making
  • The one coaching techniques that could make a HUGE impact to your clients as they navigate Burnout
  • Plus a Q&A to have your Burnout questions answered

Coaches, here's the number one coaching technique to help your clients post Burnout

Hosted by Kelly Swingler, The Burnoutologist

Book your spot now.