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Forcing Time!

"Our people don't have time"

"What do you say to all of the people who can't find the time to put themselves first?"

I hear these things a lot, and now I have just one response and whilst it may hit pretty hard, it's sadly the truth.

If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness.

And I don't know who that quote belongs to, I've definitely been saying it for years, but I'm seeing it do the rounds on social media, so it's come from somewhere.

And it's true.

Of course, you probably won't believe it, because Burnout won't happen to you right? (rolls eyes)

None of us are immune to Burnout!

I'm talking about this and more in this week's episode of FRAZZLED.


#Burnout #BurnoutPrevention #WorkplaceWellbeing #Priorities #AntiBurnoutClub #AntiBurnoutLife


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