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Is Resisting Rest Leaving You FRAZZLED?

I recently had to have a word with myself.

Even with all I know about the need to rest, how to prevent Burnout, how to stop exhaustion and fatigue, and how to reduce stress, I've been stuck with a bug for almost four weeks.

And I feel awful.

And my default was to keep going and just 'push through'.

I stopped myself and realised that rest was what I needed, but I kept resisting it.

Because my inner critic was telling me rest does not equal success. That I only needed to keep pushing for a few more weeks and then I'd have my Christmas time off.

And yet, if I had kept pushing and made myself even more ill, surely that would be hypocritical. Can I talk about this Burnout stuff and not live it myself?

Why was I resting rest?

And if you're doing the same, why?

I'm talking about this in this week's episode of FRAZZLED

 #RestTime #Burnout #BurnoutPrevention #BurnoutRecovery #Downtime #Illness #HR #HRCommunity #HRLeaders


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