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Why So Many Cancellations?

Season #2

Something is wrong.

The number of appointments, sessions, training, conversations, meetings, and calls being cancelled, often at the last minute, and sometimes without even an apology is a sign of something underlying.

The stress that everyone is under, and the pressure that everyone is feeling.

It needs to change.

You cannot keep this cycle going, it needs to be broken, and quickly. I

'm not saying you shouldn't prioritise yourself, your family, your needs.

But I'll place a bet that says most of your reasons for cancelling are because of 'urgent' things, that wouldn't have been urgent if they'd been dealt with sooner.

You need to let the stress go.

I'm talking about this and more in today's episode of FRAZZLED

#Burnout #BurnoutPrevention #BurnoutRecovery #FRAZZLED


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