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Frazzled The Podcast

Frazzled The Podcast

Hosted by: Kelly Swingler

Frazzled is for those of you that find yourselves exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed and on the brink of Burnout as we navigate how to do things differently and live less frazzled and more fabulous lives. I'm Kelly,...


What's no longer working for you?

Season #2

What's no longer working for you? The job? The relationship? The routine or schedule? The way you're working? I thought August off would be my ultimate sign of success, turns out, whilst it was great, I don't feel as...
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Is holding back causing you stress?

Season #2

Is holding back causing you more stress? Is forcing yourself to try and rest and recover and reset whilst you still have everything buzzing around in your head causing you more worry than calm and more chaos on your...
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I nearly crashed

Season #2

Not as in a car, but mentally and emotionally, I almost crashed. I'd been doing really well, taking care of myself, prioritising, sticking to my non-negotiables, and then something happened that I hadn't planned for,...
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Dressed for Success?

Season #2

Are you dressed for success or just trying to cover up the fact that you're running on empty? Are you putting on the mask each day to try and hide just how tired, exhausted and stressed you feel? Or are you masking...
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Addicted To Work?

Season #2

Addictions can be all consuming, damaging, and feel impossible to break free from. AddictionsĀ take hold, and nothing else seems to matter. Being addicted to work may seem like an exaggeration, but it becomes all to...
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Let's Rethink Rest

Season #2

If like me you're a doer, an all or nothinger, and an over achiever that works at 10,000 miles an hour, rest probably feels like 'do nothing'. And how do you 'do nothing' as a doer? In this episode of FRAZZLED I'm...
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Having to earn your time off?

Season #2

Do you find yourself feeling like you need to earn your time off? Are you working twice or three times as much before you go off on leave? What if, and I'm still learning this with you all, we could just give...
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Why You NEED Stress

Season #2

Not all stress is bad for you, you need certain levels of stress to get you out of bed each morning, to help you achieve your goals, and to help you reach the finish line. But what do you do when your stress moves...
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Burnout Isn't Another Thing On Your List

Season #2

"So we need to deal with Burnout and menopause now?!?" Err, yes. The two are not mutually exclusive. One is preventable. Both are key to ensuring your people stay happy, healthy, and high-performing. And yes, I know,...
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Why So Many Cancellations?

Season #2

Something is wrong. The number of appointments, sessions, training, conversations, meetings, and calls being cancelled, often at the last minute, and sometimes without even an apology is a sign of something...
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Thinking Differently After Burnout

Season #2

Burnout does weird stuff to your brain. I thought I was fully recovered, I'm not. Perhaps not even close. But I am doing a lot better than I was last year, and definitely the year before that. So progress is progress,...
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Do Less, Achieve More

Season #2

FRAZZLED is back for season 2, and I'm starting with why we need to do less to achieve more, and why our pushing for more, is actually stopping us from getting things done, slowing us down, and impacting our...
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