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The Problem with MHFAs
Mental Health First Aiders are vital, and yet they're not the answer to reducing Mental Health issues in the workplace.
First Aiders, are, by their nature, there when then is already an issue.
What we need is more...
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How to create a workplace that your people will love
People management and people leadership, HR included, is not rocket science.
And yet we overcomplicate it all of the time and then wonder why our people aren't listening or reacting in the way that we want. What if...
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There's no such thing as best practice
The HR Industry loves talking about best practice, right?
Wrong, when you hear 'best practice' in HR, what it usually means is copy and paste, and that's not adding value to anyone, and it's certainly not positioning...
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People Over Profit And Performance
When we put people first, profit and performance automatically increase.
But if profit and performance are put before people, profit and performance suffer.
The world of work has changed, and people first is the only...
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Why HR Needs A Seat At The Table
There are SO many reasons why HR needs a seat, and a voice at the top table - not least because people need a voice at the top table, and in this week's episode I'm talking about a few of these reasons.
If you are the...
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Episode 3 - High Performance or Toxicity?
When you think of High Performance what comes to mind?
When you think of high-performing people, athletes, stars, or singers, what comes to mind?
In your organisation are you mistaking toxicity for...
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Episode 2 - Why Is Burnout On The Rise?
Why is Burnout on the rise?
Can we avoid it?
Should we avoid it?
Is Burnout something we should be thankful for?
And what needs to happen for HR to be Ignited, not at Burnout?
I'm discussing this and more in today's...
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Episode 1 - The World Of Work Isn't Working
The world of working isn't working
And I know I don't need to tell you that, but I also think that so often you get so busy with all of the stuff, that you don't stop to fix what needs to be fixed.
So the cycle...
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The Introduction - Why HR Ignited?
Welcome to HR Ignited
What is it?
Why am I doing another podcast?
What might you get from it?
In this short intro, I tell you why HR Ignited is here
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