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Frazzled The Podcast

Frazzled The Podcast

Hosted by: Kelly Swingler

Frazzled is for those of you that find yourselves exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed and on the brink of Burnout as we navigate how to do things differently and live less frazzled and more fabulous lives. I'm Kelly,...


Is Comparison Leaving You FRAZZLED?

Comparison can add to our stress, make us push harder, and leave us feeling unworthy, and whilst a little bit of healthy competition is good for us all, it's not when it starts to impact our health. The incredible...
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Who are your support acts?

Who do you have supporting you? How do they raise your energy? How do they make you look good? Are you taking centre stage in your own life? And how do you ensure that your energy levels are always a priority? I'm...
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Do you create time in your day, week, month, or year to reflect? Time to look back or to plan forward? How often do you just keep going, with no real clue as to whether what you're doing is actually the right thing,...
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Time and Energy

"It will only take you 10 minutes" The time it takes to do the thing, isn't always right is it? Because what about the planning, the preparation, the thought, the distractions, and everything else that goes on around...
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Let's Talk Perfection

Many of us wear the perfectionist badge proudly, for years, but what if striving for perfection is leading us to Burnout? The quest for perfection is largely driven by fear. Fear of not being good enough, fear of not...
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Resilience vs Numbing

This week I'm exploring resilience. So many organisations are focused on building resilience, but what does it really mean and can we measure its effectiveness? Do our numbing and avoidance techniques help us build...
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What if ...?

What if, you stopped worrying about the future and focused on the now? What if you let yourself play and experiment instead of worrying about failing? What if you allowed yourself to be less FRAZZLED and to focus more...
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Be Here Now

It's Mental Health Awareness and the focus this year is on anxiety. So let's talk this week about anxiety, and how we can bring awareness to the things that increase anxiety, and what to do to reduce and decrease...
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Rest: Not Always Doing Nothing

Rest, we feel we got to earn it, work harder for it, or be ill to have it. We don't. And if you're anything like me, who struggles with 'doing nothing' but does need rest, I'm sharing with you in this episode the 7...
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The One That Was Late

Have you ever overlooked something, or thought you'd done something, only to find out that you hadn't? We've all been there right?!? How did you deal with it? How did you talk to yourself? What did you do about...
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There's No Such Thing As One And Done

Ever been to the gym once and achieved optimal levels of fitness? Ever meditated once and achieved enlightenment? No, neither have I. So why do we pay more attention every day to charging our phones and keeping our...
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The Three Identities Of Burnout

As you're coming through Burnout you feel lost, confused, and frustrated because youdon't know you are, and you begin to crave who you were pre-Burnout. You also know, that who you were before your Burnout, was...
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